Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I'm a College Graduate!!!!

Ok so this obviously is NOT crafty related but I had to share that I have officially finished my courses for my Bachelors in Science and Information Technology with a major in Web Development.

I'll be returning in May for my MBA. Plus I plan on taking additional Web focused courses.

This was a way overdue milestone. It's nice to put all those past credits to use and turn it into something.

If you are in the same boat or thinking of going back to school, never give up! I had everything planned out when I was younger but becoming a parent at 18 put some of those plans on hold. It may not have been when I first expected it and it would have been much cheaper if mommy and daddy were paying for it, but I think I feel even more accomplished that I have succeeded on this journey all by myself!

I'm a big girl now!

Thanks for listening to me share my excitement!

Until next time!

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